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Euchre 3d

Note: Your computer partner in this free euchre game may overtrump your tricks occasionally. This is a known bug in the program.I recently played euchre with some friends for the first time. It was really fun. Somehow, my partner and I won, too.

I guess it was beginner's luck.HOW TO PLAY. Euchre is a card game where two teams compete to win hands, also known as rounds or tricks. Each team has two partners.In this online euchre game, you are paired with a monkey. The other team is a pair of mean-looking bats.Your player is at the bottom of the screen.When this free euchre game opens, the cards are dealt automatically with you as the dealer. The other players look at the up card in the center of the table, and they either pass or order up, which means pick the trump suit.The game then proceeds following normal euchre rules. Rules of EuchreEuchre is played with one 52-card deck, with the Jokers and all cards lower than 9 removed.

Euchre 3d card game

The cards used in euchre, in order of decreasing rank, are: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, and 9.The goal of euchre is to score points by winning tricks. Each team has 2 players, and each player is dealt 5 cards per hand. Game play proceeds clockwise around the table.To earn a point, your team must win at least 3 tricks out of each 5 tricks played. In other words, win 3, 4, or 5 tricks to win the round. Five tricks makes one round.For example, suppose you play 5 tricks (one round). Your team wins 2 of the tricks, and the opposing team wins 3 of the tricks. For that round, the other team gets 1 point, and your team gets 0 points.This free euchre game automatically keeps track of the score, which is displayed in a box in the upper-left corner.

The first team to win 5 points wins the game. For each trick, one suit (Clubs, Spades, Diamonds, or Hearts) is selected as the 'trump' suit. A trump card always beats the cards of the lead suit.

Trump is selected during the deal.Players get the chance to choose the trump suit for the round, starting with the player to the left of the dealer.When it's your turn to choose the trump suit, start by looking at the cards in your hand. If one suit is over-represented in your hand, select that suit for trump. For example, if you have 4 diamonds, consider selecting diamonds as trump.

That way you'll have lots of trump cards in your hand.Click the Order Up button to choose the displayed card as trump. (The displayed card itself goes to the dealer.)If you don't want to pick the trumps suit, click the Pass button to pass the decision to the player to your left.SPECIAL RANKING FOR TRUMP CARDS.

The rank of non-trump cards, as mentioned above, is Ace - King - Queen - Jack - 10 - 9. The rank of trump cards is different.The Jack of the trump suit is the highest-ranking card in euchre.

The other Jack of the same color is the second highest card. The rest of the cards in the euchre deck follow normal rank order. (The other two Jacks are not special.)The Jack of the trump suit is called the right bower. The other Jack of the same color is called the left bower.For example, suppose the trump suit is Diamonds. The rank of the cards, from highest to lowest, would be: Jack of Diamonds, Jack of Hearts, Ace of Diamonds, King of Diamonds, Queen of Diamonds, 10 of Diamonds, and 9 of Diamonds.The bower rule is not particular to this free euchre game.

It's a regular euchre rule.SPECIAL SCORING RULE: If your team wins all five tricks in a round, your team gets 2 points instead of just 1.If you like this euchre game, you might also want to for free, here on this site. Brief Thoughts About EuchreI've played this free euchre game several times and played a real euchre game with friends once. In my brief experience, basic euchre gameplay is not that hard to learn. Don't be intimidated - give it a try!I've heard euchre is popular in north-central U.S. States like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois, but it seems to be relatively unknown elsewhere. I hope the word about this game spreads.

Euchre is a solid card game, and playing it is good for your brain.Card games like euchre train memory, concentration, and logical reasoning skills. GAME TIP #1: Many games on this site such as were built with Adobe Flash. To play these games, you must allow the free Adobe Flash Player to run in your browser. If you don't see an animation in the red rectangle above, click in the red rectangle and activate your Flash Player. Then the Flash-based games should open for you.If you see a message that the Adobe Flash Player is 'blocked', go to your browser's Settings page and change Block to Ask First, if possible.If the red rectangle is empty, your browser might not have the Flash Player.

To check this, follow the steps on Adobe's page.

NOT REALISTIC star starborder starborder starborder starborderJohn aaa member's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 8/31/19 2:01 PMMy last review mysteriously vanished:) If you play euchre in real life, you will see how rigged this game is. Every game seems predetermined. I can tell within the first 2-3 hands whether my team was “picked” to win this game or not.I’ve played euchre all my life in Michigan, and I’ve seen more “lone hands” in one year playing this game, than in all of my real life games combined. If your team was picked to win then you can’t lose.If you are a competitive person then avoid this game, or at least don’t pay them any money.

If you don’t mind losing 10 games in a row where you are a spectator, then win 10 games with 10 lone hands then this is the game for you!FIX THE PROGRAMMING! Not for kids star star starborder starborder starborderSailPeachie's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 8/31/19 2:01 PMWatch out parents! While the game plays well you are likely to have extreme vulgar disgusting player names. I would not let children anywhere near this. My nine year old daughter has been verbally abused by other players. She used to ask me what the vulgar names mean. I refuse to play against them and when I quit the game I am penalized.

Euchre 3d card game

Be careful these developers refuse to monitor themselves. Something isn’t right here star star star starborder starborderVinfal's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 8/31/19 2:01 PMThere’s something suspicious about the engine running this game and its actual impartiality.

Having played over 1000 games I can literally win for -hours- 90%+ win ratio, raise overall score by hundreds of points and then lose 80% + of games over a protracted period, sometimes not getting a called trump for 3-4 games in a row. Exact same playing and call style on my part and similar partner skill level. Whilst everyone goes through winning and losing streaks in live euchre playing, it’s never, ever to this degree. Externally, I win or am in the money in regional euchre tournaments at almost an 80% ratio but have never witnessed erratic cards like these. Something not right so I am officially stopping play of this game. Star starborder starborder starborder starborderJQKY's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 8/31/19 2:01 PM.but the developers are incompetent, and apparently do not possess the ability to read English.As many other users complain the dealing algorithm is skewed. I have been dealt at least two 9s or 10s for the last 25 hands.

While I can understand a run of bad luck, I feel this is caused by a developer who has no idea how to solve the algorithm issue.With each update the game gets worse. Not an app to hone your game skills. DO NOT download. This developer is not worthy of your business.I'm pretty sure the developers have no time to fix the app because they're too busy writing fake positive reviews. Bad dealing star starborder starborder starborder starborderMookowpie's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 7/20/18 4:06 PMI am far from a computer expert. But it seems that some how the developers could write a better and more random dealing program.

Most times the same combination of cards are dealt. Most games are very lopsided. Either I win by a very large margin or I lose by a very large margin. One other obvious trend is that when I am reaching a mile stone in the rated game you mysteriously start losing. This happens as you approach another level or as you pass another level. Game is not random.

It seems contrived. Sooooo Baaaaad star starborder starborder starborder starborderWriting for content's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 6/23/18 5:45 PMUpdate: Since I’ve left this bad review, the hands have gone from bad to worse. Nearly every hand has at least three nines and tens. Nearly every hand is four-suited. Because of this, I’ve gone ahead and changed my name in-game to “This is a Bad App” in hopes of getting people to leave bad reviews as well. These developers are terrible if this is what they’re putting out.The cards should be randomized in multiplayer.Spoiler alert: They are not.It’s laughably predictable how bad the cards I get are.

And it’s not just one or two hands per game: It’s all but perhaps one or two hands over nearly every game I play. It’s also a near guarantee at this point that when it’s my deal, I will have a terrible hand including some combination of three 9s and 10s, yet the next person will also have a near guarantee to flip up a bower that just happens to match their and their partner’s cards perfectly.Multiplayer is more fixed than wrestling. I could get stack the cards to give myself horrible hands and still not have this many terrible hands in a row. It’s good but. Star star star starborder starborderWolvenFire's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 5/24/18 3:36 AMCan be better. A lot better.AI: I agree with other reviewers that the game has a lot of room for improvement. How come when the partner orders it up, the dealer partner always seems to have either the left or right bower and bails the partner out of trouble?

It’s really odd. I notice other things about the dealing of the hands based on difficulty levels.

Very odd.My partner never leads trump when the situation calls for it. Argh!Other than that great game! Refute to “Named my player MORON” REVIEW star star star star starBig Mike Betts's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 5/23/18 2:22 AMI have only been playing euchre for approximately one year.

EUCHRE 3D has been my main learning tool. I am considered a very good player and have been high and score many times in many different location games of 24-76 players. IMHO the reviewer is just plain untruthful.I have referred EUCHRE 3D to at least a dozen other players and all thanked me for how it improved their game and enjoyment. Lone Eucher Addict star star star star starStephan Porsche's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 3/30/18 7:40 AMAbsolutely love Eucher and grew up playing it in Michigan where the game is common. I now live in Arizona and haven’t meet a single person whom has even heard of it, so playing this on my iPhone is a blast! Two fun in game modes are “Stick the Dealer” which I am familiar with and “Canadian Loner” which I am new too but is a fun twist. I have written the game manufacture about two other ways we played the game at times, which were “Farmers Hand” in which the dealer could swap out three 9’s or 10’s for the three cards at the bottom of the kitty and also another twist known as “Poker for Point” in which after twice around the table with trump not called the player with the best poker hand would win one point.

I personally have achieved most the achievements in this game and would like to see more awards and achievements won more offen. Named my players the MORON Family star starborder starborder starborder starborderjhs2's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 3/25/18 11:33 AMUPDATE 2: ZERO STARS FOR AI PLAYERS.these AI players are so s. they can get set when they have 5 trump cards. I quit more games than I complete due to s. AI play.

Please fix it.UPDATE: seems my partner can’t understand that jacks are the highest cards in the game. Just Stupid (Partner’s name) will have both jacks, call it, and then not play them one after another to take the other trump.

He/she typically has one trick taken by an opponent. Now if they could just tweak the game so it plays like an actual person with intelligence it would be better.If you want practice playing euchre then this game fails to deliver. The AI players are ‘lucky’ at their cards and I have noticed they seem to ‘luck’ out in the deal.okay i can deal with that as it hones my skills.

BUT.and this is a BIG BUTT.the partner player is STUPID.I MEAN so s. that when he has both bowers he doesn’t lead that second bower back so his trick usually gets taken and there goes 2 points. Now who in their right mind plays euchre like that? I mean, come on, make the AI players have some rules about card play, not just pick the card based on color or some other AI rule. This game will help if you regularly play with a partner who is both s.

and has no strategy game. Other than that it is a poor excuse for euchre. Does not deal fairly star starborder starborder starborder starbordercjscrabbler's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 3/22/18 9:07 PMI agree with ZDL.

This game cheats. The cards are not dealt randomly. My average hand has 2 and often as many as 4 nines and tens. I've had hands of 5!

There are only 8 nines & tens in the whole deck!!! I get tired of watching the game play because my cards are too crummy to bid with. I have started the game over on the first deal until I got a decent hand only to receive again 3 or more nines & tens by the third hand of the game.

Not a huge fan star star starborder starborder starborderScrub868's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 3/19/18 7:52 AMI don’t feel the cards are random. To many hot seats. In a lot of games Winners and losers are predetermined before the first hand is dealt. Don’t like that in the rated games you can’t keep a good partner. Can’t block people you don’t want to play with. Can’t “like” people you do like playing with.

Have no idea what the plus/minus ratings are based on, don’t feel they accurately rate how you played. Can’t boot people for playing slow. Other than that enjoy!!! Solid Euchre platform minus. Star star star star starGoalwph's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 3/19/18 7:01 PMLove this app and it’s def got a lot to offer. Things I like vs don’t.Like:1.

Quick response and no practically no lag when playing multiplayer games.2. The rated game option is nice if you aren’t messing around and want a serious game and then the more personalized option with the unrated is nice sometimes too.3. Easy to play with real friends.4. Not very glitchy at all.5. Simple layout. Not distracting and over the top.Do not like: (there’s not much):1. The 1 time it crashed.in the middle of a rated game with no way to pick back up once I reopened the app.2.

The robot/AI is absolutely ridiculously dumb. It will drive you more insane than that one person you play euchre with in person who doesn’t know what they are doing and you sometimes get stuck being their partner.3. Booting games.

Some people just sit and boot people constantly stay. I think they get a high off of it.Best euchre app out there for sure! Highly recommend. Was going to make it four stars but changing to five after writing this and thinking it through! NOT REALISTIC star starborder starborder starborder starborderJohn aaa member's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 12/23/18 1:10 PMUpdate! We were up 9-2, opponents with two lone hands back to back for the win.

Way too many lone hands, three or four per game is normal. I have played euchre all my life growing up in Michigan. Never have I seen so many lone hands! They need to program the deal so it is random instead of how much money you give them for tokens. I had to order up opponents with no trump to stop a lone hand when we were up 9-6. I’ve lost too many games that same way.

Aces are never buried. If you write a bad review be prepared to lose even more!

Don’t right negative review or game punishes you! Star starborder starborder starborder starborderBrian46064's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 12/13/18 12:58 PMThis is the third review I’ve wrote and amazingly enough, I’ve never seen either of the other two negative reviews. I have been playing this game long before it had a rating system, so I’ve played it several thousands of times. Both times I wrote negative reviews my score would drop from 2200’s down to 1700’s. All my hands consisted of 9’s & 10’s, hand after hand. Kept track over last week and I played 266 hands of which I had 3 or 4 nines and tens in my hand 229 of those 266 hands. What is the odds that this happens in real eurche.

Ever game I have two hands with 4 nines and tens. Writing this review because I’m done playing and wasting hours playing such a ridiculous controlled game by developer.

Everyone enjoy being a puppet! Not me, not anymore! Terrible if any support! Star starborder starborder starborder starborderDon't give them $$'s Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 12/13/18 12:58 PMHave been playing euchre 3D pro for years and spent countless $ on “tokens”. As an invalid shackled to my home I play to pass the time. I recently left several games early after encountering players who intentionally played slow as to try to intimidate.

I have been locked out of my account for 23 hours, so tokens that I purchased are being held hostage. I contacted support to explain with no response. Don’t spend money in this game.they unfairly penalize for not wanting to be intimidated.

Euchre 3D star starborder starborder starborder starborderJeffpn's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 11/8/17 1:25 AMThe AI play could be better. In my part of the world, it's unacceptable for a player to order up the right to his partner.

This happens very often in this game. It's ruined many a loner for me. Also, my AI partner tends to get euchred often, even when he's set to play conservatively.If you submit feedback for this app, all you’ll get is a canned reply that probably won’t be helpful at all. The free versions the same.

Star starborder starborder starborder starborderZeze93's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 11/7/17 11:00 AMI’m very disappointed in this game. I was.hoping. that once I bought the game, the hands would improve. I play euchre all the time and I don’t get c. hands 7/10 turns.

Euchre 3d Free

I’ve also come to notice every time I get a GREAT go alone hand, they always call something before I can. I get that it’s not going to be perfect-but seriously? Why even bother dealing the hand then? Don’t buy it. The free versions exactly the same. If you play without Internet it’ll be add free.

Euchre 3d Forum


Sooooo Baaaaad star starborder starborder starborder starborderWriting for content's Review of Euchre 3d Pro Reviewed on 10/14/17 3:34 AMThe cards should be randomized in multiplayer.Spoiler alert: They are not.It’s laughably predictable how bad the cards I get are. And it’s not just one or two hands per game: It’s all but perhaps one or two hands over nearly every game I play. It’s also a near guarantee at this point that when it’s my deal, I will have a terrible hand including some combination of three 9s and 10s, yet the next person will also have a near guarantee to flip up a bower that just happens to match their and their partner’s cards perfectly.Multiplayer is more fixed than wrestling. I could get stack the cards to give myself horrible hands and still not have this many terrible hands in a row.